The panelists went on and gave a brief summary of the rest of the action items, in which more detailed information about the action agenda with specific recommendations can be found in the whitepaper released by the Planning Commission. A recapture of the action agenda is shown below:
“Action #1: Adopt a formal definition of family-sized housing and family-friendly buildings.
Action #2: Allow added flexibility in single-family zoned areas with frequent, reliable transit and in other selected areas.
Action #3: Foster a larger supply of family-friendly lowrise and midrise multifamily housing.
Action #4: Ensure that bonus development provisions and incentive zoning programs work to encourage family-sized units.
Action #5: Advance the creation of residential cores with ground-related housing in the city’s most urban neighborhoods.
Action #6: Ensure that the Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) Program encourages the production of 2-bedroom and 3+ bedroom units.
Action #7: Encourage the creation of more family-friendly housing through innovative design and construction.
Action #8: In affordable housing programs, include a strong priority for families with children.
Action #9: Strengthen partnerships to align School District planning and capital investments with the City’s planning for growth in family-friendly urban neighborhoods.”
If you are interested to find out more about the Planning Commission and their publication, you can go to their website for more information. For those of you who are interested in attending the Urban Design Forum events, the next meeting will be held on February 22, 2017, with a discussion topic on “The Grand Bargain.”